Your ears may not work well but you are still more than able
Providing support and awareness
Call 07810 524054
Here to support those with a hearing loss and bring the subject of deafness out of the shadows, to promote prevention of the causes of deafness,
Your ears may not work well but you are still more than able
Providing support and awareness
Call 077792 86017
Here to support those with a hearing loss and bring the subject of deafness out of the shadows, to promote prevention of the causes of deafness,
A Few Scary Facts
"Please include me in your conversation, I'm deaf, not stupid..."
As a Hearing Aid wearer for 16 years and with my Hearing Dog, Harley. I would like to get the message across how precious your hearing is
I'm Tom...

I'm Harley...
A dog like me can help you with your hearing
My Name is Harley and I am Tom Kanes Hearing dog, I am Toms second dog his first one was a black Labrador called Nevis When Tom Lost his hearing and had to start wearing hearing aids in 2000, he was in a vary lonely place, even though he was still in the Royal Air Force, he was having trouble managing his life without much hearing, two events changed his life, one was being offered a place on a Lipreading course where he was shown how to manage day to day, and the second was being given a Hearing Dog
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