Hearing Loss And Millenials
A partially deaf Comedian and writer called David Rose explains how modern devices heavily used by the millennial generation can result in substantial hearing loss.
A partially deaf Comedian and writer called David Rose explains how modern devices heavily used by the millennial generation can result in substantial hearing loss.
The speech banana indicates the range in decibels and frequency of “normal” conversational speech Speech is made up of consonants and vowels Vowels are louder and of lower frequency than
Please when you are having a family get together or an office party at this time of the year, don’t forget the person you know who has a hearing problem, they will not be able to follow everyone, they probably won’t hear the joke, the noise and chatting around them is probably a muffled sound, this could be on top of their tinnitus, which are noises in the brain.
There appears to be a policy within the National Health Services Clinical Commissioning Groups (CCGs) that the onset of hearing loss is more troublesome than life changing, why else would the two CCGs in my county of Shropshire be considering to NOT provide free hearing aids to patients who are diagnosed with Mild to Moderate hearing loss
AccessAble Activity Group is a new Telford based community group for isolated people with visual and hearing impairments
Getting out and about is something many of us look forward to. Being able to enjoy a day out, try a new activity or just spend quality time with others can make a real difference to our lives.
AccessAble Activity Group gives people the opportunity to do these things and much more besides. It’s a great place to make friends, learn new skills and have fun.