Closure of the 3 peaks challenge
Sometime in the summer of 2000, I decided that I needed to get myself focused on a challenge to keep me motivated whilst the pandemic was affecting my mental state,
Sometime in the summer of 2000, I decided that I needed to get myself focused on a challenge to keep me motivated whilst the pandemic was affecting my mental state,
The Course Content, “caters “to people unfortunate enough to suffer from a hearing loss, – whatever that degree may be. Losing your hearing carries with it much psychology; the isolation,
This diagram is an audiogram, this shows the four levels of hearing loss. The numbers on the left are the levels of sound that a person can hear unaided The
This picture was the last time I was on Ben Nevis with my hearing dog Nevis. When I lost my hearing in 2000, I had to wait till 2004 till
Last Friday saw the end of another ten online sessions of Coping with a Hearing Loss through Lipreading. The sessions are designed to inform, educate, entertain and help people who
Members of the Stafford group, Tom (TUTOR), Steph, Karen Cythia and Diane learning, laughing and taking part in discussion. We meet for ten two hour sessions each school term, If
Researchers at the University of Manchester are looking for volunteers to complete a short online questionnaire about ways in which face coverings affect hearing and communication.The questionnaire can be completed
“If the person you’re serving seems very slow,it could be there deaf, it’s quite common you know.Though we try very hard we are often get muddled,Don’t think that we’re daft
When I first lost my hearing I benefited from attending a Lipreading class.I am always looking at ways to encourage hearing impaired people and their family and friends in Shropshire
We need to ensure that Hearing Loss in Adults and the provision of NHS Hearing Aids is the key focus or rather whether they will reinstate provisions of NHS Digital